These are complex topics and each one of them would deserve much more than just 1 blog post, nevertheless, I will try here to make as simple a possible explanation of the main concepts and how they relate to each other. 1. Eth2 and its migration from PoW to PoS (The Merge) If you had any interest in decentralized technologies and the world of Cryptocurrencies, you know about Ethereum, the second blockchain in importance, and the first one trying to become a global platform to run applications in a decentralized manner.

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This is a summary of the book “ACCELERATE: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations”. PREFACE Starting in 2013 a research journey started trying to do something that was not done before, measure the capabilities and practices that, with a focus on software delivery, separate the high performing companies from those that are not, and, using rigorous methods of analysis that until then were reserved only to academia, help the industry to understand and identify the capabilities that actually drive performance in a statistically meaningful way and obtain results that can be seen in their profitability, productivity and market share and also in those effects that measure noncommercial outcomes like effectiveness, eficiency and customer satisfaction.

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This article is going to be much less technical than the ones I use to write, the goal is to simply provide a basic introduction to Jira and some of it’s main capacities. Hopefully in the near future this article will work as the introduction on a Jira manual that my team and myself are writting for my current employeer, I thought before all that manual is finished it might be useful to share this here.

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For the third part of this series of articles, we will create a small Redshift instance, and we will learn how to synchronize data between S3 and Redshift.

The first step will be to use AWS Identity and Access Management IaM to create a role for Redshift to access S3.

On the second step we will create a sample Redshift cluster, and finally, we will use a special SQL COPY command to ingest the JSON data from S3 into Redshift.

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Apart from Docker and DevOps methodologies, the other big topics that I enjoy the most currently at work are Cloud Architecture and Big Data/IoT.

In this article I would like to describe a little bit the situation of AWS in China, specially what is the current status of Services Available and what is the forecast of improvement that we can hopefully expect for the next months.

I will also try to provide a step by step guide to create an infrastructure made with IoT in mind, where we can achieve an scalable, secure and ServerLess installation using only AWS Services that are currently available in China.

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Stateless is used as a solution for everything nowadays: scale, containerize, make fault tolerant… But it is a reality that not everything can be stateless, even if you store the configurations inside the containers, you need to store static files somewhere, you need databases that are stateful by definition, and not all the tools that you will be using are created to be stateless.

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Carles Cortes Costa

Site to write about stuff I like; including Open-Source DEVOPS and WEB3

